5 Things To Consider Before Taking Out A Loan

Consumer loans can be a great way to pay for expenses that you need during an emergency or difficult financial situation. Many individuals take out loans to deal with car trouble, unexpected medical bills, or even vet costs. If you're thinking about taking out a loan, you want to make sure that you understand your options and that you know what you're getting into. With responsible usage, loans can be a great lifesaver. [Read More]

Should You Take Out A Mortgage Just Before Retirement?

If your retirement horizon is becoming shorter each year, you may be starting to put your financial ducks in a row to ensure your transition from the working world to a life of leisure is a smooth one. One of the biggest considerations for many soon-to-be retirees is their home. Whether you're planning to downsize or move across the country, refinance, or pay your mortgage off entirely, you'll want to ensure you're taking the most prudent path possible, as leaving paid employment tends to diminish your ability to weather unexpected financial events. [Read More]

Use The Equity In Your Home To Your Advantage

If you are fortunate to have paid down your mortgage enough or even completely paid it off and your property value is worth more than you owe on it, you have equity on your home. This can be a tremendous advantage if you have an unexpected financial need, because this means you can take out a home equity line of credit, also known in the industry as a HELOC. Here are three situations where people commonly use a home equity line of credit. [Read More]

Three Reasons To See A Financial Advisor Before Moving To Another Country

Moving to another country is a major change for everything, including your finances. Though the only thing most people factor in financially is whether or not they can afford the move, there is a lot more to go through and deal with on the financial front. If you have the intentions of moving to another country, seeing a certified financial planner can pay you back several fold. Here are three reasons you need to see a financial advisor before moving to another country. [Read More]