How to Narrow Down the Best Place to Open a Checking Account

Not all checking accounts are the same, so before you sign up for one, it's worth looking at a variety of factors that can help you make the best choice to suit your needs. The right account will not only be convenient and help you avoid fees, but will offer the specific services you need, and could even get you a bonus just for signing up. Location of Branches and ATMs [Read More]

Points to Consider Before Taking Old Coins to a Gold and Silver Buyer

Many men and women find a collection of old coins after inheriting an estate. Their parents may have accumulated some gold coins over the years. They might have kept silver coins after the government ended the inclusion of this precious metal. A collection can be sold to a buyer of gold, silver and other coins. Understanding Market Value Even relatively common items will bring in more than the face value. The buyer typically pays close to the market value for the precious metal weight if there is nothing particularly unusual included. [Read More]

Who Benefits Most From A Reverse Mortgage?

If you own your home outright or are close to paying it off, you may benefit from a reverse mortgage. However, this type of loan isn't for everyone, so consider it carefully. Under certain circumstances, a reverse mortgage is a great way to get extra money to do the things you want. Here is more about reverse mortgages and who is likely to benefit from having one. What Is a Reverse Mortgage? [Read More]

How Risk And Aggression Fit Into Wealth Management Strategies

One of the clearest challenges in wealth management is trying to make real gains adjusted against things like inflation, taxes, and fees. To make consistent progress, you need to have an appropriately aggressive investment strategy. On the other hand, maintaining your wealth is just as important, and it's critical to factor in risk. How do you strike the right balance between risk and aggression? Let's look at how wealth management advisors think about this problem. [Read More]